Friday, May 23, 2008

Anna Muhurtham 1

May 14 - For the first time I was given rice. It was rice cereal mixed with breast milk. Mommy made me wait 6 months before giving me food, despite the fact that for the past month or so I had longingly looked at people when they used to eat infront of me. I was given a bath, made to wear nice clothes given to me by Kamala ajji (my great grandmother) and brought to me by Lalitha. Everyone sat down and did a prayer to god before I was given my food. I immediately gulped it down even as different people held the spoon to my mouth and took video.

Gimme, gimme, gimme...

It is soo funny... my outfit matches the sofa cover...

Enough smiling at the camera... may I have some service please?

A little rice cereal beard
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