Thursday, April 24, 2008

Britannia Park

April 24 - Today we went for an evening stroll through Britannia Park. Mommy drove me for the first time in my life.

At 8 pm the sun was setting

But the Ottawa river was swollen and the rest of the pathway was flooded.

And the benches and fields were also inaccessible.

Little Manyu was a bit sad.
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Manyu Activities

Those days are gone when I used to sit quietly. I am a big baby now and have many things to do...

I have to inspect my toes and make sure they are attached to my feet.

Then I have to grab at every object and throw it, to make sure it obeys gravity.

Whenever I am made to stand on the floor I start to jump thereby strengthening my leg muscles and Oni's arms.

Sometimes I just layback and blow raspberries.
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Ugadi Habba and Party

April 19 - Mommy had found that the Ottawa Kannada Sangha was having Ugadi Habba celebrations, so went there in the afternoon...

There was a performance by kids, and then some south Indian food...

As ususal Manyu wasnt given any food... only milk.

In the evening we went for a goodbye party for a friend, and yet again I was not given any food or drinks. So at 11 pm I started crying. I cried all the way to the car park. Club patrons and pedestrians stared but I was just getting warmed up. After a gulp of milk I calmed down, but as soon as the car started, I cried louder. We stopped at a hotel and mommy asked to use the lady's room to comfort me. I became quiet after 15 minutes, but the moment they put me in the car and started moving I shrieked again. They stopped again at another hotel and this time they put me to sleep. I taught them an important lesson. I forget what. We got home 1 hour later where I was my usual bouncy self.
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Summer is Here

April 19, Ottawa - My first summer has arrived. I am well prepared for summer...

I have a strong arms...

and a six-pack... muscular abs.

So I soaked in the sun along with mommy in the back yard...

It lifted my spirits.
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FAQ - Transportation

All in all I am a busy baby. From the moment I wake up, I am always busy doing something. Even as I am inspecting my fingers, rocking back and forth on my hands and knees, or drinking milkie, I know there is always a new challenge lurking round the corner. But in the meantime I do know that my family and friends have a lot of questions for me. And considering that once I meet them in person I will fall in love with them, it only makes sense that I try and answer these question. They can ask me questions in comments and I will endeavour to answer them as soon as possible. This is the first of my Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about transportation.

Question: Manyu baby, we all know you are a well-travelled baby. Do you ride on orange horse or the little yellow horse?

Answer: Sometimes I travel by car, but my transportation of choice is the bus. Mommy puts me in my tram and carts me away to the bus stop most mornings, and then I get loaded onto the bus and away I go...

We do a lot of window shopping...

... and look at colorful flowers...
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Back from Chelsea

April 13 - On our way back from our hike I fell asleep.

But woke up just in time for lunch at a vegetarian restaurant in Chelsea.

Here I relax in mommy's arms and make sure that I still have all my 2 fingers on my hand.

I am shown some desserts which I am told taste almost as good as milk

Daddy manged to get an orange peel stuck in his mouth, and needed my help to remove it.
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Snowy Trek

April 13, King's Estate - Oni had proved herself worthy by walking 1 mile in 25 minutes around the soccer grounds, so we decided to take her on her first snow hike. We drove to King's estate and walked on slippery snow on a trail to a waterfall and back.

Mommy was looking fresh and smily so I posed for a photo with her...

I was bundled up in blue sleeping jacket and a pink scarf.

Mommy and grand-mommy, two of my favouritest womens.

Mommy infront of creek, and I am fast asleep. Mommy has become lean and strong after a lot of cross-country skiing this winter. She carried me most of the way up and down the hill on this trek, and was smiling all the time. Daddy mostly carried the camera. Oni slipped twice in the snow because she did not wear snow shoes, but I saw daddy push her to the ground a third time.
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Manyu in Kitchen

A little baby's place is in the kitchen, near the hot plates. So I decided to start my cooking lessons today...

I placed the pan on the hot plate and waited for food to appear...

I waited and looked, but no food came...

I took a closer look, but there was no food.

Then I remembered how they do it... you have to wave the magic wand.
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Oni Birthday

April 8, 2008, Ottawa - It was Oni's birthday today.

I looked around to see if they had got gifts for Oni...

"Where are the gifts?!" I yelled...

But by evening time mommy had assembled all the gifts...

and gave it to Oni...
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Oni and I

April 8, Ottawa - I was asleep in the living room, and just woke up to see a vision...

Oni was standing there...

She asked me to go to her...

I obliged, and was taken to her bedroom...

I was very happy to be informed that it was her birthday on April 8
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