I have put in some solid hours learning how to drive Swetha aunty and Krishna uncle's truck. Therefore it should come as no surprise that I am working as a part time trucker.

I load it up with important stones (sometimes Mommy's bangles)
I load it up with important stones (sometimes Mommy's bangles)
Sometimes I get lost and ask the flowers - "Where is my truck?"
Anyway here is my weekly report -
This has been a great few days for Avi. He has been enjoying playgroupsand the library very much. After naptime, he enjoys climbing up ontothe sofa and paging through books while he waits for the girls to gethome from school. Then we have snack, and a story-time. Library daywill be Tuesdays, so we will visit to enjoy the program, and to exchangeour books. Last week Avi picked a Caillou book for his choice.At lunch time today he ate well, had a second helping of my home-mademac&cheese, and cleared his dishes to the counter after he was finished.He also puts his little bowl up on the counter after snack-time. AtChildren's Village playgroup, snack is served on a napkin, with a littlepaper-cup of diluted juice. He always remembers to put his napkin inhis cup, and carry them to the garbage. He is very conscientious.This week we are still playing with the barn toys and farm animals. Weare also talking about the fall, the weather, how leaves will changecolour, and apples.
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