My daily summer time activities consist of being dropped off at the Daycare at 8:30 and back home at 5:30. In between I spend my time fraternizing with 3 others at the Daycare. In the weekend mommy takes me to various play gyms and to meet friends who also have kids. Here is an update:

At the local playgym where I spend most of my time
At the local playgym where I spend most of my time
flitting from toy to toy.
REPORT FROM DAYCARE: Last week, he enjoyed pushing the shopping cart and filling it with other toys, and he did several crafts that I put with his shoes to go home, but which stayed for several days before I folded them up and put them in his bag. He enjoys glue sticks and is learning the system for applying glue, then a piece of paper, then pat-pat-patting it into place.At home, he likes to take all the toys out of the toy bin, and have "rides" in the bin, with Manyu and Vaughn taking turns pushing or riding. I'm trying to discourage this because it wrecks my floors, but I am secretly pleased by how clever they are about it and how well they take turns.Today they are playing with the purple large foam squares, and he is teaching Vaughn how to put them together, saying "Pat-pat-pat" just like he learned at craft time. Vaughn found it difficult at first, but learned from Manyu without my help or intervention. They are very close friends and are very excited to see each other in the mornings. They will play with a toy telephone, and call each other's name into the mouthpiece.Some days he eats, and some days he refuses lunch. He is very stubborn and won't be tricked with games or sternness, so I try to encourage eating, but sometimes he goes to bed without eating. It doesn't seem to affect his nap, and he eats healthy snacks, so I am not too worried.He is napping on a low single twin-sized bed, with no bed rail. He is very reliable about climbing into the bed and lying right down. Sometimes Vaughn distracts him and they sit up to chatter and laugh and giggle, so I have to stand at the door until Vaughn finds his sleepy-place. Manyu is very dependable for sleeping when he is not being distracted, and doesn't wake or get out of bed until his nap is done.When we go on walks, Manyu walks beside the stroller holding a bright-rainbow-coloured strap. He keeps up well, and always goes directly to the stroller and takes hold of his strap when I ask him to. He likes to be very cooperative, and tries really hard to do whatever is asked of him right away, like holding the stroller, clearing his dishes, going up or down stairs, coming to me for a diaper check.We sing songs that include many actions. His age-group generally does not sing along yet, but he tries a word here and there, and loves to do the hand actions or jumping or dancing at the appropriate times. If I teach counting or alphabet, I can often encourage him to repeat after me, and sometimes if I say "one" he will answer with "two three". We are working this year on counting to 10, and reciting the alphabet. If they master that, we will progress to letter recognition, and eventually to letter sounds and phonetics later this year.He now consistently says "thank you" when he is given something, by me or by another child, without prompting. He often says "please" when asking for snack, but sometimes needs prompting.He smiles and laughs a lot, and creates games and mischief to share with Vaughn and some of the other children we meet at playgroup. He has good ideas, and the other children enjoy following his suggestions for play.
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