Sunday, July 6, 2008

HideNSeek With Oni

June, Ottawa - My daily routine has changed since I am discovering new things on my own, thanks to my new found ability to crawl. Also I have begun to supplement my staple milk diet with 3 or 4 tablespoons of colorful vegetable paste. With this expanded diet and a broader range of physical activities comes added responsibility. Therefore I get placed in the hands of patient and ever watchful Oni from 10 am until noon. And then again in the afternoon for some play.

I do lose my patience very quickly, so nothing but the most exciting games can keep me occupied....

A game of hide N seek with Oni gets me pumped up as I scurry from Oni's bedroom to Thatha's bedroom. But I will admit, I do get distracted and meander off in a tangential direction...

In the late afternoon after my post-afternoon-snooze snack I am partial to a game of Peek-a-boo.

But by evening time I am usually sleepy and mommy is the only one who is allowed to spend any length of time with me, and that too only with the clear and present task of putting me to bed.

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