Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sunday Morning Walk in the Park

Nov. 9, Ottawa - Nice sunny morning and what better thing to do after breakfast than to walk to the nearby Andrew Hayden park?

I pulled along mama

I wanted to go the play structures in the sand

This is one where we have to climb up a wooden ladder to a platform from where we can slide down a plastic slide

Mason, my new friend, was there to load my truck with some soil
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Ducks in Riverside

Nov. 7, 2009 - It was sunny today and after the H1N1 flu shot I went to see ducks.

I chased them with a stick

Then I fed them

Papa told me about the ways of the duck

And mama told me about other birds.
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Monday, November 9, 2009

2 Years Ago Video

One of my earliest appearances in a leading role -