I decided to help Mommy organize the items for recycling. When I came upon a jar of Nutella, I decided the best way I could help her was to clean out the jar...with my fingers. By some strange coincidence this technique also transported little gobs of tasty chocolate hazelnut to my mouth. Imagine that! I think I shall help Mommy with the housework more often....

Any more work for me to do, Mommy?
(By the way, check out my new t-shirt - as you know, my great grandpa was a cowboy, so I requested my own pair of cowboy boots. This is what Mommy came up with!)

The wise folks at the Ontario Early Years Centre told Mommy that, in addition to playing with my many toys, I should experience "tactile play". Of course, the best way to do this is with chocolate pudding!

See, children, this is how it's done.
Learning is fun! At this rate I shall become the smartest baby in Ottawa.