Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Francesca's Birthday party

My little friend Francesca recently turned two years old. I could not neglect this occasion, so petitioned Mommy and Daddy to take me to her birthday party, with a fine gift in tow (a pink dress, Mommy informs me). Here is a photo of me on a rocking chair in her kitchen, with Mommy. Please note my sweet pink kurta, courtesy of Aunty Sita, and worn in honour of it being Valentine's Day!

Here is the young lady who was being feted. The cake was a tasty one of strawberries and whipped cream.

After the other kiddies had left, Francesca and I enjoyed some quality time watching the "Gummy Bear song"! It was so much fun I think I shall hold my two-year birthday party at the disco!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hanging out with Mummy and Daddy

New tooth

I have a secret....

A new tooth! Mommy claims it will make me look even cuter. It is hard to disagree with her.

Learning the Alphabet

Following in the footsteps of my smart, well read grandparents, Mommy and Daddy have decided I should start learning the alphabet. So Mommy posted some cards with nice animal pictures (elephant! cat!) to illustrate the letters of the alphabet.

And Daddy helped me read them! Maybe I will write the next blog post myself, instead of just dictating it as I have done up to now.

But while intellectual development is important, one must not neglect the development of the body. That is why I have started lifting weights. Mens sana in corpore sano, as those old Roman dudes said.

Look, I'm stronger already - and smarter (I couldn't speak Latin before I started this weightlifting regimen!)

Fun with Chocolate

I decided to help Mommy organize the items for recycling. When I came upon a jar of Nutella, I decided the best way I could help her was to clean out the jar...with my fingers. By some strange coincidence this technique also transported little gobs of tasty chocolate hazelnut to my mouth. Imagine that! I think I shall help Mommy with the housework more often....

Any more work for me to do, Mommy?

(By the way, check out my new t-shirt - as you know, my great grandpa was a cowboy, so I requested my own pair of cowboy boots. This is what Mommy came up with!)

The wise folks at the Ontario Early Years Centre told Mommy that, in addition to playing with my many toys, I should experience "tactile play". Of course, the best way to do this is with chocolate pudding!

See, children, this is how it's done.

Learning is fun! At this rate I shall become the smartest baby in Ottawa.