July 30 - Thatha and Oni are leaving in 2 days for New York. What is little baby Manyu to do? After my morning hand-over to Oni, I used to watch her pray to the gods and then give me my first of 4 meals - a total of 4-5 tablespoons of cereal, banana, pears, etc. Intermittently Thatha used to hold me too. Oni used to take me to her room (she became quite strong carrying me up and down the stairs, although developed some knee problem thanks to my 22 pound weight). In her room I would play on her bed while she read her various books... she finished about 15 of them right infront of my very eyes. She would put me to bed, and take me out for a short trip to the back garden in the morning, and to the front porch in the evening.
I used to wish her goodnight at 10. But now that she is leaving, who will sing the hand-gesturing kannada song for little Manyu. Daddy did try, but I turned away in disdain.

So here is an outing organized by mommy to nearby beach. Thatha is showing me the ducks.

Mommy and Oni on bench.

I reluctantly dip my toes into cold water.

That evening mommy even baked a nice little decorated cake for dessert.