June 18-19, Bon Echo - This was Manyu's second camping trip after the trip to Adirondacks. On the way to Bon Echo I must admit that I did cry twice. But this was because as you all know I need my daily excercize, and Manyu will do his jumping, thumping, and crawling excercize even if we are parked on the side of Highway 41 in driving rain at 7pm. And yes, I will become very cranky and invariably flip myself over if you try to trick me into getting into a car seat, no matter how expensive or comfortable it is. Anyway we got into our yurts at 9pm in the rain, had some nice dinner (rice cereal and milk).

Here I am inspecting a smidgeon of banana placed on the log by Grandpa to attract local chipmunks...

Here is mommy in front of the lake near the Visitor center. Accross you can see the Bon Echo rocks.

I have been transformed into a bunny rabit and covered from head to toe mainly to keep out the mosquitoes.

Daddy got 20 bug bites, while Manyu and the rest got 0 bites.